PUBLICATIONS (*equal contribution)
- Evans TG, Bible JM, Maynard A, Griffith KR, Sanford E, Kueltz D (2022) Proteomic changes associated with predator-induced morphological defences in oysters. Molecular Ecology. 31: 4254-4270.
- Chao YC, Merritt M, Schaefferhoetter D, Evans TG (2020) High-throughput quantification of protein structural change reveals potential mechanisms of temperature adaptation in Mytilus mussels. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 20, 28.
- Evans TG, Kueltz D (2020) The cellular stress response in fish exposed to salinity fluctuations. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology. 333: 421-435.
- Evans TG*, Logan CA* (2020) Mechanisms of biological sensitivity and resistance to a rapidly changing ocean. Comparatice Biochemistry and Physiology Part A.
- Bible JM, Evans TG, Sanford E (2020) Differences in induced thermotolerance among populations of Olympia oysters. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A. 239: 110563.
- Palumbi SR, Evans TG, Pespeni MH, Somero GN (2019) Present and future adaption of marine assemblages: DNA based insights into climate change from studies of physiology, genomics, and evolution. Oceanography. 32:
- Maynard A, Bible JM, Pespeni MH, Sanford E, Evans TG. (2018) Transcriptomic responses to extreme low salinity among locally adapted populations of Olympia oyster. Molecular Ecology.
- Evans TG, Elisan-Visperias A (2018) Resolving spatial and temporal patterns of coral bleaching risk using image analysis: an active learning experience to improve climate change literacy in college students. Journal of Biological Education. 52:
- Evans TG*, Pespeni MH*, Hoffman GE, Palumbi SR, Sanford E (2017) Transcriptomic responses to seawater acidification among sea urchin populations inhabiting a natural pH mosaic. Molecular Ecology. 26:
- Evans TG*, Diamond SE*, Kelly MK* (2015) Mechanistic species distribution modelling as a link between physiology and conservation. Conservation Physiology. 3:
- Evans TG (2015). Considerations for the use of transcriptomics in identifying the ‘genes that matter’ for environmental adaptation. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:
- Evans TG, Padilla-Gamiño JL, Kelly MW, Pespeni MH, Chan F, Menge BA, Gaylord B, Hill TM, Russell AD, Palumbi SR, Sanford E, Hofmann GE (2015). Ocean acidification research in the ‘post-genomic’ era: roadmaps from the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 185:
- Evans TG, Watson-Wynn P. (2014) The effects of seawater acidification on gene expression: resolving broader-scale trends in sea urchins. Biological Bulletin. 226:
- Hofmann GE, Evans TG, Kelly MW, Padilla-Gamiño JP, Blanchette CA, Washburn L, Chan F, McManus MA, Menge BA, Gaylord B, Hill TM, Sanford E, LaVigne M, Rose JM, Kapsenberg L, Dutton JM. (2013) Exploring local adaptation and the ocean acidification seascape: studies in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Biogeosciences. 10:
- Padilla-Gamiño JP, Kelly MW, Evans TG, Hofmann GE. (2013) Temperature and CO2 additively regulate physiology, morphology and genomic responses of larval sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280:
- Evans TG, Chan F, Menge BA, Hofmann GE. (2013) Transcriptomic responses to ocean acidification in larval sea urchins from a naturally low pH environment. Molecular Ecology. 22:
- Evans TG, Hofmann GE. (2012) Defining the limits of physiological plasticity: how gene expression can assess and predict the consequences of ocean
- Swan CL, Evans TG, Sylvain N, Krone PH. (2012) Zebrafish HSF4: A novel protein that shares features with both HSF1 and HSF4 of mammals. Cell Stress and Chaperones.17:
- Evans TG, Hammill E, Kaukinen K, Schulze AD, Patterson DA, English KK, Curtis JM, Miller KM. (2011) Transcriptomics of environmental acclimatization and survival in wild adult Pacific sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during spawning migration. Molecular Ecology. 20:
- Evans TG, Somero GN. (2010) Phosphorylation events catalyzed by major cell signaling proteins differ in response to thermal and osmotic stress in native (Mytilus californianus and Mytilus trossulus) and invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) species of mussels. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 83:
- Evans TG. (2010) Coordination of osmotic stress responses through osmosensing and signal transduction events in fish. Journal of Fish Biology. 76:
- Evans TG, Somero GN. (2009) Protein-protein interactions enable rapid adaptive response to osmotic stress in fish gills. Communicative and Integrative Biology. 2:
- Evans TG, Somero GN. (2008) A microarray-based transcriptomic time course of hyper- and hypo-osmotic stress signaling events in the euryhaline fish Gillichthys mirabilis: osmosensors to effectors. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211:
- Evans TG, Belak Z, Ovsenek N, Krone PH. (2007) Heat shock factor 1 is required for constitutive Hsp70 expression and normal lens development in embryonic zebrafish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 146:
- Evans TG, Yamamoto Y, Jeffery WR, Krone PH. (2005) Zebrafish Hsp70 is required for normal lens formation. Cell Stress Chaperones. 10:
- Evans TG, Krone PH. (2005) Heat shock proteins: molecular chaperones as critical players in normal eukaryotic development. Trends in Developmental Biology. 1: 95-105.
- Krone PH, Blechinger SR, Evans TG, Ryan JA, Noonan EJ, Hightower LE. (2005) Use of PLHC-1 cells and zebrafish embryos in cytotoxicity assays. Methods. 35:
- Krone PH, Evans TG, Blechinger SR. (2003) Heat shock gene expression and function during zebrafish embryogenesis. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 14:
- Blechinger SR, Evans TG, Tang PT, Kuwada JY, Warren JT, Krone PH. (2002) The heat inducible zebrafish hsp70 gene is expressed during normal lens development under non-stress conditions. Mechanisms of Development. 112: